Mark L.Zeidel

Professor and Chair

Dept. of Medicine

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center & Harvard Medical School

Weiqun Yu

Assistant Professor


John C. mathai

Assistant Professor


Daniel Sanchez Almanzar

Post-doctoral Fellow

From Bogota, Colombia he graduated with his MD from Universidad de Los Andes in 2021. “I have always had a great interest in urology, and during my last year in medical school I had the opportunity to work in projects on congenital malformations, benign prostatic hyperplasia, public health, and lower urinary tract dysfunction. Having the chance to work with patients with LUT dysfunctions aroused in me an interest in understanding the pathophysiology that underly such problems”. He currently works with Dr. Mathai on studies related to neural control of urinary continence.


Warren G. Hill

Assistant Professor


Ali Wu

Post-doctoral Fellow

Dr. Wu She got her Internal medicine MD  in Xi’an Jiaotong University, P.R. China. She is currently a researcher in Dr. Yu’s lab and is interested in investigating the molecular mechanism of purinergic signaling in bladder smooth muscle contractility. Dr. Wu also works with others in the team to investigate the sympathetic neural control of kidney sodium handling in and blood pressure regulation in genetically engineered mice.


Bryce MacIver

Instructor in Medicine


Erandi velaquez- miranda

Post-doctoral Fellow

Dr. Velaquez-Miranda graduated with her BS in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 2015 and then obtained an MSc from the Institute of Neurobiology in 2017. She graduated with her PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the same Institute in 2021, where she studied purinergic signaling in hepatocytes during liver fibrosis. She works with Dr. Yu on studies designed to understand the role of purinergic signaling and mechanisms that underlie ketamine cystitis.